
The main theme of the short story “The Recital” by Eimear Ryan is following one’s dreams. This theme is enhanced through motifs like sibling rivalry, lack of self-confidence, and disappointment. The protagonist of the story does not trust in her own talent as a pianist because she has always been outshone by her more competitive and accomplished sister who is also a pianist. The motif of disappointment is explored through most of the characters. Jen is probably disappointed by her child’s father who lets her be a stay-at-home mother. Liam is a disappointment to his parents, his electorate, and even to Grace when he refuses to have a relationship with her.

Following one’s dreams

The central idea of the short story is that people should follow their dreams and overcome their lack of confidence and not let others put them down.

The protagonist of the story, Grace, is a young woman who graduated...

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