
From Liam Kelleher's outer characterisation in “The Recital” by Eimear Ryan, we are told that he is the local member of the Irish Parliament and a former Justice Minister. He is middle-aged, used to be married, but had an affair resulting in a pregnancy which cost him his political career and his marriage.

Inner characterisation

His inner characterisation presents him as a typical politician and discussing politics even when he is in bars: “One regular, Liam, bounded in at the same hour each night, always in a suit, always slightly dishevelled. He was forever getting into arguments about ‘funding’.” (ll. 25-26); “He listened patiently to everyone’s complaints, but invariably turned back to the bar – to me – with a dark grin and a generous rolling of the eyes.” (ll. 33-35)

He flirts with Grace and even joins her in an improvised bar recital, although he does not have a particularly good voice, actions that suggest that he likes attention, but also Grace: “…he protested, but eventually he put his hands in his pockets, closed his eyes, and sang. It was more of a recital; his voice was nothing special. Still, it was mournful and deeply felt.” (ll. 61-63)

Tim, the bar owner, dislikes him, claiming that ...

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