
This last part of the study guide will help you put “The Recital” by Eimear Ryan in perspective by looking at current issues, literary period, and similar work…


Current issues

“The Recital” is a 2013 short story that touches upon a universal issue and a few contemporary ones. The universal issue the story touches upon is sibling rivalry. Siblings often compete with each other—most often for their parents’ attention, like Jen and Grace did to please their father. Competition can become even more of an issue if siblings have similar passions (Jen and Grace both play the piano). We encourage you to reflect on…


Literary period

The short story is a contemporary fiction text. This implies that it falls within the literary movement called Postmodernism which defines…


Works with the same theme

We recommend that you also read some other stories that share similar themes with “The Recital” such as “Prospect House” by Frances Childs, “The Toilet” by Gcina Mhlophe, and “The Ladder” by Sheila Purdy.


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