
The short story “The Recital” by Eimear Ryan is set in Ireland and takes place in contemporary times as indicated by the references to Google and an iPod (l. 144…


Physical setting

The main physical setting is the bar where the narrator works, but it also includes references to the house where she lives with her sister or the city streets.

The bar is described in the opening lines, suggesting that it is an expensive bar but there is otherwise nothing special about it (which is also symbolic of how the narrator feels about her talent as pianist): “It was one of those sleek, silvery wine bars: anonymous as an airport, the oversized glasses fil…


Social setting

The bar where Grace works has a diverse clientele, usually people everyone knows and gossips about:

There was a GAA commentator who had a different accent to the one he used on TV. There was a judge who sat at the bar in full judge rig-out, her wig sitting neatly on her head like a vestigial brain. One regular, Liam, bounded in at the same hour each night, always in a suit, always slightly dishevelled. He was forever getting into arguments about “funding”. (ll. 22-26)

The discussions there are often political and involve criticising politicians, as Grace’s employer Tim does.

Grace’s character helps the author convey aspects about the p…

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