
Here we will summarise the main elements of our analysis of the short story “The Recital” by Eimear Ryan.

Considering its simple plot structure, the story is built on contrasts between the characters (Grace, her sister and brother in law, Liam and his father), and Grace’s conflict with her sister who is already a musician and who overshadows her.

The action mostly takes place in a bar in contemporary Ireland. The social setting covers aspects related to typical bar clients, politics, sibling relationships and rivalry, women's role in society, and the social position of musicians.

The narrator (Grace) is occasionally implicit. She lets readers guess what is happening or how the characters feel, such as when she feels anxious to see Liam again. Regarding the language used in the text, the writer combines narrative passages with dialogue which help convey the protagonist’s perspective and her interactions with the other characters.

Read the full analysis in the following pages of this study guide!