
The short story “The Recital” by Eimear Ryanhas a simple plot structure, following Grace, a young music graduate, as she works in a bar and has a brief affair with a politician who offers to help her find a job as piani…




The short story begins with a brief description of the setting, the bar where the narrator works: “It was one of those sleek, silvery wine bars: anonymous as an airport, the oversized glasses filled a third of the way.” (ll. 1-2)

The action begins in media res, in the middle of a conversation …



The middle of the short story gives readers more background details on the narrator through another backstory, which tells us that Grace's sister was always competitive and became a better pianist than Grace: “Growing up, Jen had always been the better pianist. She’d made it – a successful stint with the National Symphony Orchestra…” (ll. 38-39)

The conflict between the two sisters is introduced, as we find out that Jen promises to help Grace find work as a pianist but has no real intention of helping her: “ ‘I’ll put in a good word for you,’ she’d say (…) ‘I’m just not sure  you’d suit the National Symphony Orchestra! All that rigid discipline?’ ” (ll. 47-50)

The rising action fo…



In the falling action, Grace’s relationship with Liam disintegrates, partially because of her disappointment, and partially because Liam claims he does not want anything serious: “It was only later I realised it was because he was drawing back. ‘Oh, that was a one-time thing, Grace,’ he told me event…

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