
In our analysis of Donald Trump's Super Tuesday victory speech, we will look at some key aspects in the speech inspired by the rhetorical pentagram model of analysis. Here you can read a short overview of our analysis.

We will look at the general topic of the speech—which is Donald Trump’s victory in the primary elections—but also at other topics the speaker refers to, such as immigration, terrorism and the declining economy.

We will analyze the way the speaker tries to build credibility and to establish himself as a serious electoral contender with the intention of convincing the audience that he can win the elections, despite the fact that he is a political outsider.

We will look at the audience, represented by those attending the speech and the general American and international public, while also focusing on specific categories of audience that Donald Trump targets—Republicans, the middle classes, business owners, etc.

We will also consider the circumstances of the speech and how they influence the topic, considering that the speech is a reaction to the speaker winning the primary elections in five American states.

Finally, we will look at how the language used by the speaker affects his message—positively and negatively—and what the rhetorical devices and forms of appeal used say about the speaker and his intentions.

You can find the entire analysis on the next pages!

Further help

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Speech analysis

I denne vejledning får du Studienets hjælp til, hvordan du analyserer, diskuterer og perspektiverer en tale (speech eller address) i engelskfaget. Kort fortalt handler det typisk om, at du skal lave en retorisk analyse af talen.