SOP om McDonald's Corporation i Afsætning A og Engelsk A

  • HHX 3. år
  • SRP (Engelsk A, Afsætning A, SOP)
  • 10
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SOP om McDonald's Corporation i Afsætning A og Engelsk A

SOP, skrevet på engelsk, om McDonald's Corporation og Glocalization (Local og Global), skrevet i Afsætning A (Marketing), og Engelsk A.

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Abstract 3
Initiation 3
Franchising and Glocalization 4
Franchising 4
Glocalization 6
The McDonalds Corporation 8
Business description 8
History 9
Value chain 9
Support activities 9
Primary activities 11
Core competences 13
Micro 13
Macro (PEST) 15
Ansoff's growth matrix 17
Future Growth Possibilities for McDonalds 18
Upscale target group 18
Organic and healthy food 19
China 20
India 20
Product development in already existing restaurants 21
Conclusion 22
Literature 22
Websites 22
Books 23
Articles 23
Company profiles 25
Appendix 1 Pros on cons for franchising 26
Appendix 2: The Value-chain 29
Appendix 3: Generic strategies 29
Appendix 4: Ocean strategies 30
Appendix 5: The supply chain within McD 31
Appendix 6: The PEST analysis 31
Appendix 7: The SWOT analysis 31
Appendix 8: The Ansoff's growth matrix 32
Appendix 9: Distribution strategies 33
Appendix 10: Pricing / quality strategies 33
Appendix 11: McDonald's is moving towards a higher degree of market responsiveness (Article) 33


The FF industry is just growing bigger and bigger that's a fact and it will grow even bigger in the future. Lots of different FF chains are represented on hundreds of markets all over the world. The biggest brand within the FF industry is the McD. McD have existed for many years now, but over the past 20 years McD has experienced one of the biggest growths within modern history.

This paper examines the reasons why McD has grown so much during the last 20 years. What is their secret? And why haven't other companies managed to copy the McDonald's idea? McD has been using a lot of different business strategies, and this paper will tell us how McD exactly used those strategies, and how the McD brand managed to become almost as popular as the crucifix.

This paper will explain for the concepts of franchising and glocalization. The exposition of those concepts should contribute to an understanding of how McD uses those concepts in their strategic planning. There will be made an analysis of how exactly McD uses those concepts in their strategic planning, and how McDonalds has managed to become one of the biggest brands in the world.

To analyze the strategic planning within the McD company, different models will be a part of the analyze part in this paper. By using marketing models like the value-chain analysis, the SWOT analysis etc. it will be possible to analyze how McD use the concept of franchising and glocalization within their strategic planning.

At the same time those models also tells us how McD differentiate themselves towards their competitors. Finally there will be made an evaluation of the McDonald growth potential worldwide, through the concepts of franchising and glocalization. The evaluation part of this paper will be divided into different opportunities that McD might use to grow even bigger.

All the opportunities listed in the evaluation part, are opportunities represented in the SWOT analysis as well. The opportunities for growth mentioned in the evaluation part, are growth opportunities that has been identified by analyzing the external environment outside the McD (PEST) listed in the analysis part of this paper."... Køb adgang for at læse mere

SOP om McDonald's Corporation i Afsætning A og Engelsk A

  • 14-11-2011
    Udemærket opgave! Godt struktureret og fine analyser