Eksempel på Business Letter om Global Cool

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Eksempelbesvarelse: Eksempel på Business Letter om Global Cool

Her finder du Studienets eksempelbesvarelse af opgave B: Business letter Global Cool fra opgavesættet i bogen Express Yourself. Opgaven indgår som en del af eksamen januar 2007 for Engelsk A på HHX.

I besvarelsen har vi lavet kommentarer til hver del af brevet (grå boks), hvor vi forklarer vores valg, så du kan anvende samme fremgangsmåde i dit eget forretningsbrev.

BEMÆRK: Dette er en besvarelse af opgaven, lavet med det formål at vise hvordan brevet skal bygges op. Du kan bruge det som inspiration til din egen opgave.

Eksempelbesvarelsen knytter sig til vejledningen til business letter: hent vejledning her.


Dear Sirs
My name is Julian Knight, and I am CEO of the new climate campaign, Global Cool. I have taken the liberty of writing you after reading about your exiting environmental policies on your website. In connection with this I have an interesting proposal to make: We would like Marks & Spencer to be an official sponsor of the world wide Global Cool campaign. We think it will be an excellent and profitable fit for both organizations.

Global Cool is an international campaign that actively fights global warming through a number of initiatives. First of all we arrange large concerts and events to create focus on the climate issue, especially among westerners who are the biggest CO2-consumers. We are fortunate enough to have a number of popular artists and movie stars supporting us, such as KT Tunstall, Josh Hartnett and Orlando Bloom. By performing on stage and actively spreading the message these celebrities are great assets to our campaign.

Our ambitious goal is to reach individuals through music and entertainment and to make it popular to cut down ones' CO2-consumption, and - ultimately - to give scientists sufficient time to create alternative energy solutions.

I was very impressed, reading your company's environmental policies, and in my view, the advantages of co-operation would be great for both our organizations, in that we have a similar focus on climate issues. The Global Cool Campaign, of course, needs money for concerts, web-sites, TV-advertising and more.
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Eksempel på Business Letter om Global Cool

  • 14-09-2011
    Rigtig god vejledning, kan også bruges til andre opgaver
  • 08-10-2012
    Hvad er der at sige?? Den gav mig et sikkert 12 tal!
  • 04-02-2013
    Givet af Studerende på 3. år
    Meget godt! Lige hvad jeg skulle bruge
  • 14-12-2012
    Givet af HHX-elev på 3. år