
The most important characters in “What Anton Learns in the Queue” by Janis Freegard are Anton, the main character, and Bernadette, as a secondary character. Note that the story also mentions Anton’s girlfriend Shell, a woman he spots in the queue, Anton’s mother and grandparents, as well as other people attending “Music in the Park”.

Anton is the main character of the short story. He is characterised through the third-person narrator’s words, which are mixed with his own reflections. His thought process contributes to his characterisation, as it reveals aspects of his life and personality. The dialogue between Anton and Bernadette also contributes to Anton’s characterisation.

Bernadette is a secondary character in the story. The writer does not provide much detail about her because her specific identity is not that important. Her personality is mostly presented as opposite to Anton’s, which also helps highlight some of Anton’s personality traits.

Next, you can read our characterisation of both Anton and Bernadette.