
In this section, we will highlight the elements of our analysis of “What Anton Learns in the Queue” by Janis Freegard.

The story follows a traditional structure while including narrative techniques like backstory and foreshadowing.

The characters include Anton, the main character, and Bernadette, as a secondary character. Note that other characters, such as Anton’s girlfriend Shell, Anton’s mother and grandparents, and other people attending the music event are mentioned in the story.

The story takes place at an event called “Music in the Park” and, more specifically, in the queue for the toilets. The social setting explores topics such as preconceived ideas about people with mental disabilities, social expectations, and the fear of being judged by others, as well as stereotypes about women.

The events are described from the point of view of a third-person narrator, who not only describes the events but also voices the protagonist’s thoughts. The narrator is not always explicit about what happens in the story.

The story is told using plenty of descriptive language. The story is told using a mix of narration and dialogue which helps readers understand more about the characters and their circumstances. 

You can read the full analysis in the following pages.

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Short story analysis

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