
The short story “The Stack” by Rose Tremain features John McCreedy as the protagonist, and his wife Hilda, daughter Katy, and son Michael, as well as his friend Spiros, as secondary characters. Note that the narrator also mentions McCreedy’s friends from the pub, a girl he meets there, and Spiros’ wife Elena.

McCreedy is a stranger in his family because he behaves like a stranger towards them, ignoring their feelings and blaming them for everything wrong in his life. At the same time, they also show little interest in him, which pushes him away, creating a vicious circle of miscommunication and disappointment.

Hilda does not change until the very end of the story when she appears to see her husband in a new light and is unable to respond to his words for the first time. Also, neither Katy nor Michael are developing characters, as they have not changed by the end of the story.

Spiros’ role in the story is mostly symbolic. He is the opposite of McCreedy – an immigrant who has managed to adapt to life in a different country and even has a business of his own.

Read their full characterisation in the next pages!