
Here, we summarise the analysis of the short story “Streamlining” by Muli Amaye that we provide in this webbook

The short story follows a traditional plot structure. The author presents a single event in the life of the characters —two siblings visiting their mother— with the help of narrative techniques such as stream of consciousness and flashback.

The story features three important characters: Jocie, Brandon, and their mother. Jocie is the only developing character in the short story. Unlike her brother and her mother - who are flat characters and do not change - Jocie changes as a result of what happens in the story.

The social setting illustrates aspects related to family relationships and professional life. The physical setting includes references to the car ride to the mother’s house in Reddish.

For most of the story, the narrator is quite explicit. We know exactly what happens, how Jocie feels and what she thinks.

The language is simple, humorous, and colloquial. The choice of words is related to family life, yoga, and work life, and reflects how these areas influence the main character, Jocie.

For a complete analysis of the story, read the next pages of the study guide!