
In our analysis of “Renaude” by Charlotte Bondy, we will mainly focus on the following aspects:

The short story’s composition follows the traditional plot structure. It has an exposition, a rising action, a climax, a falling action, and a resolution.

The main characters in the short story are Clara and Mischa. Renaude is only a secondary character, and she is relevant because of the interest she stirs in the two friends. An important part of the characterisation is the relationship between Clara and Mischa.

Regarding the setting of the story, the main action – Clara and Mischa’s friendship with Renaude – spreads over the course of a few days, from the first day of high school (Monday) to the day when Renaude invites them over to her home (Friday). Clara is mostly explicit as a narrator and does not shy away from offering plenty of details regarding her experiences.

The language in the short story is simple and poses no difficulty for the average reader. The narrative flows naturally and is only occasionally interrupted by short dialogues.

You can read the full analysis in the next pages of the study guide!