
Here, we give you a brief summary of the analysis of the text "Pink" by Judith Thompson, which you can read in full on the following pages.

The analysis starts with a look at the structure of this work of fiction, which has the form of a monologue. It revolves around a young South African girl's thoughts about the death of her coloured nanny. Here, we also investigate what the point of the title is.

Then, we proceed to look at the characters in the text. The main person of interest is, of course, the little girl, Lucy, who is the speaker and the deceased nanny, whose name was Nellie.

We also take some time exploring the setting of the text. Here, we find that the most important aspect of the setting is the social setting as the events take place in South Africa during the apartheid regime.

As is always a good idea when analysing fiction, we explore the narrator, who happens to be the main character, and the point of view

Finally, we explore the language used in the text, which is particularly interesting because it mimics the spoken language of a ten-year-old girl.

Read on for the in-depth analysis on the following pages!