
These elements will help you with the analysis of Tim Minchin’s speech “Occasional Address”, delivered at the UWA’s 2013 graduation ceremony. 

The rhetorical situation is that the speech is delivered by Tim Minchin, a writer, actor, comedian, and musician. Minchin is also a former UWA Arts graduate. His speech was delivered at the UWA graduation ceremony. 

Most of the speech is composed as an organized list of items. Minchin provides nine life lessons, which he presents to the graduates. 

The style of language used in the speech combines formal and informal features. Slang is also used at times, making the speaker sound more approachable. 

Minchin uses rhetorical devices such as anecdotes, irony, similes, and analogies. While many of the rhetorical devices are meant to amuse the audience, they also invite reflection on more complex issues. 

The main forms of appeal in the speech are ethos and pathos. Minchin builds ethos by bringing up his background as an UWA graduate. Minchin appeals to pathos through irony, personal stories, or funny analogies designed to amuse the audience. 

When it comes to the argumentative devices used in the speech, Minchin relies on several strategies. He provides personal anecdotes which increase his credibility. They also help the audience relate to him and understand his views better. Furthermore, Minchin delivers his ideas in the form of a list, which makes it easier for the audience to take them in.

You can read a full analysis of the speech in the following pages. 

Speech analysis

I denne vejledning får du Studienets hjælp til, hvordan du analyserer, diskuterer og perspektiverer en tale (speech eller address) i engelskfaget. Kort fortalt handler det typisk om, at du skal lave en retorisk analyse af talen.