Delprøve 1 STX Engelsk A 26. maj 2015 (netadgang)

Her finder du Studienets gennemgang af delprøve 1 fra den skriftlige eksamen i Engelsk A på STX fra 26. maj 2015 med netadgang. Vejledningen giver et godt over de fire underopgaver, og vi forklarer dig dels hvordan du skal løse opgaverne, dels de grammatiske problemer, du bliver testet i. 

Målet med denne vejledning er at hjælpe dig i gang, så du selv kan løse de fire opgaver på egen hånd, fordi vi har vist dig hvordan. Til fejlsætningerne i opgave 1 har vi lavet en komplet svarliste, så du her kan tjekke dine egne besvarelser - har du brugt vores hints, så burde du få alle rigtige.

Har du brug for mere hjælp, så kan du langs ad vejen tjekke de links, vi har givet med yderligere hjælp fra vores Engelsk Grammatik og vores hjælp til fejlsætninger.

Opgave 1

I hver af nedenstående sætninger er en grammatisk fejl understreget. Skriv den korrekte sætning, og forklar dine rettelser med udgangspunkt i sætningerne. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi. Skriv din forklaring på dansk. 

  1. Open defecation has been combatting because it results in fatal diseases.
  2. In Bangladesh, sanitation has throughout the past ten years improved drastically.
  3. The composting toilet is an environmental sound alternative to water-flush toilets all over the world.
  4. The business of composting toilets are also booming in the UK, primarily due to a growing demand for outdoor toilets.
  5. It is rumoured that psychologist Larry Rosen is about to give a lecture in Copenhagen two years from now.
  6. In an article by Rosen is the impact of too much use of technology discussed.
  7. As a rule children are grabbing their iGadgets if they want entertainment.
  8. Studys show that the average child in the USA spends seven hours every day on various media.
  9. Some people blame television, which impact increases year after year.
  10. It is highly probable that more people will be treated of psychologists for their addiction to gadgets.

Opgave 2

I nedenstående sætninger fra artiklen “How Much Technology Should You Let Your Child Use?” er ordet “that” understreget fem gange. Forklar for hvert enkelt eksempel, hvilken ordklasse “that” tilhører, samt hvilken funktion ordet har i sætningen. Brug grammatisk/faglig terminologi. Skriv dit svar på dansk. 

  1. I actually started studying what has been termed the “psychology of technology” way back in 1984 when Apple introduced the Macintosh in a stunning Superbowl advertisement that (1) promised us that (2), “1984 won’t be like 1984” and tomorrow’s computers would herald a change from the humdrum world of IBM computers to the highly engrossing world of the Mac.
  2. After all, isn’t that (3) what we used to do with the television?
  3. When mom or dad needed some time to make dinner or do a bit of work they knew that (4) they could sit their child in front of a Disney video and they would have a respite while their little couch potato sat absorbed.
  4. When I talk to parents I discuss three main issues that (5) can arise from allowing their children to overuse technology.

Opgave 3

Nedenstående tekstuddrag er fra novellen “The Royal Flush”.

a.     Angiv den grammatiske tid for hvert af de understregede verballed (udsagnsled).

b.     Forklar kort, hvorfor der ikke brugt samme grammatiske tid i alle sætninger. Brug grammatisk/faglig terminologi. Skriv dit svar på dansk.

Two days of flying found Lindsey in Dhaka, a city roiling with children begging and men hawking everything from fake Nike t-shirts to fresh-cut mangos to pirated DVDs. She’d been assigned to a sustainability project on the subcontinent, fieldwork a requirement for her concentration in development and globalization. And once Dr. Hassan had underlined the connections between hygiene and justice, Lindsey overcame her
disappointment at not being selected for the women’s project in Tanzania, happy, in any case, to be helping those less fortunate than herself.

Opgave 4

Nedenstående uddrag er fra artikler med forskellig stil. Beskriv disse forskelle med fokus på brugen af pronominer (stedord), substantiver (navneord) og brugen af hoved- og ledsætninger. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi og eksempler fra teksten. Skriv dit svar på dansk. 

“So, your kids must love the iPad?” I asked Mr. Jobs, trying to change the subject. The company’s first tablet was just hitting the shelves. “They haven’t used it,” he told me. “We limit how much technology our kids use at home.” 

I’m sure I responded with a gasp and dumbfounded silence. I had imagined the Jobs’s household was like a nerd’s paradise: that the walls were giant touch screens, the dining table was made from tiles of iPads and that iPods were handed out to guests like chocolates on a pillow. 

Nick Bilton, “Steve Jobs Was a Low-Tech Parent”, 2014

Our brains have a specialized mechanism, called the Default Mode Network, which has been appraised as being operational during daydreaming, mind wandering and other non-task-oriented behaviors. If you are constantly and actively making decisions about what to do on an iPad, you will not activate the DMN which neuroscientists are now understanding keeps your mind focused and does not allow for the types of “ah ha” experiences gleaned during mind wandering. 

Larry Rosen, “How Much Technology Should You Let Your Child Use?”, 2013

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Delprøve 1 STX Engelsk A 26. maj 2015 (netadgang)

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