
This analysis of “Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech” is derived from the rhetorical pentagram model.

In the next pages, we will explore the topic of the speech, illegal immigration in the US. We will look at how the speaker focuses on the negative consequences of illegal immigration and his proposed solutions for these issues.

We will present the speaker, Donald Trump, looking at his background, but also at the image he conveys about himself through the speech.

We will look at the audience of the speech, formed by those gathered at the rally in Phoenix, but also by those who watched the speech on TV or online. We will also outline the people and categories of people that the speaker explicitly mentions in the speech.

We will examine the language of the speech, focusing on the choice of words, the use of anecdotes and political propaganda, rhetorical devices and forms of appeal.

We will highlight the circumstances of the speech, focusing on the 2016 electoral campaign in the US, but also on the issue of immigration and other relevant aspects referred to by the speaker.

We will discuss the speaker’s intentions with the speech, starting with presenting his platform on immigration and continuing with convincing the audience that illegal immigration is a critical issue, discrediting his political opponent and the current administration, and presenting himself as the better presidential candidate.

Read the full analysis in what follows!

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Speech analysis

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