
Summary of “Why Following Your Passions Is Good for You (and How to Get Started)”

The text “Why Following Your Passions Is Good for You (and How to Get Started)” is an article written by Lizz Schumer for The New York Times. The article looks at the importance of people pursuing their passions. It also offers the example of Andrew Rea, an American YouTuber who is best known for creating the show “Binging With Babish”. Prior to launching a successful career, Rea was overcome with depression, but his passion for cooking helped him recover. 

Summary of “Stop Searching For Your Passion” 

The text “Stop Searching For Your Passion” is the transcript of an extract from Terri Trespicio’s TED Talk of the same name. Trespicio presents a rather unconventional attitude towards career and passion and claims that passion is temporary and that people are fueled by success, rather than passion. 

You can read a full summary of each text in the following sections.