
The analysis of the short story “To Keep the Faith” by Michael Becket shows that the story follows a linear plot structure. The events are told chronologically and take place over the course of several days, starting with Jean receiving the news of her husband’s death and ending on the day of his funeral.

The main character in the story is Jean McGrath. Throughout the story, she progresses through the stages of grief, and evolves as a character, gaining a new understanding of her situation.

The physical setting is a town in Northern Ireland. The time setting is during the period known as the Troubles, when the conflict between the Protestants and the Catholics was at its peak. The social setting explores the conflict between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland, as well as religious rituals.

The story is told by a third-person narrator who has insight into Jean’s thoughts and feelings. The narrator has limited knowledge and follows Jean’s perspective on the events.

The language combines a casual style with vivid imagery, creating a sense of connection and emotion in the reader. The characters speak in the Irish dialect.

You can read a more detailed analysis in the following pages. 

Short story analysis

I denne vejledning får du Studienets hjælp til at analysere noveller (short stories) i engelsk.