
The story “The Skirt” by Zoe Lambert follows a traditional plot structure and contains flashbacks. The story’s tension points and climax are triggered by the inner conflict of the main character, who is trying to regain her independence after becoming paralyzed.

Bethany is the main character of the story, but her mother also plays a significant role. The story includes several secondary characters such as Bethany’s brother Rob, her aunt Joan, and her doctor. There are also vague references to another character, an unnamed man Bethany knows or knew. We know very little about him, as he is only mentioned twice, but it is strongly suggested that he caused her back injury.

The story’s most important themes, such as the ways different people cope with disability, emerge from the relationships between these characters.

The story takes place on a hot summer’s day in contemporary Manchester. The social setting revolves around issues related to physical disability and their impact on psychological health and relationships. It also deals with domestic violence, as it is hinted that Bethany was injured by a man she had some kind of relationship with.

The story is told by Bethany, a first-person narrator who refrains from revealing all the details regarding the cause of her condition.

The choice of words suggests informal language, mirroring the narrator’s social class and current condition.

You can read a full analysis of the short story in the next pages.

Further help

Short story analysis

For more advice about analyzing short stories, you can read our general guide to short story analysis.