
In this section, we will briefly summarise the main points of our analysis. “Quit India” by Mahatma Gandhi is structured in three parts; the analysis focuses on the first and third parts of the speech.

The main topic of the speech is trying to secure India’s independence through non-violent means. India’s relationship with other countries is another important topic. The speaker, Mahatma Gandhi, argues in favour of his point of view both openly and also by using hidden argumentation such as personal examples.

The audience of this speech was numerous, being comprised of people from India as well as people from foreign countries. In the speech itself, Gandhi strives to address both his colleagues and his opponents, and also various groups that could play a key role in the independence movement.

The language Gandhi uses in his speech is formal and eloquent, yet still fairly easy to understand for the general audience. The language is typical of a political speech, mostly focused on appealing to  authority and shared values, as well as to feelings. Gandhi also uses rhetorical devices such as repetition and allusions to emphasise his points.

The circumstances of the speech were set by an ongoing conflict between the Indian National Congress and the British Government over the issue of Indian independence. Therefore, Gandhi’s intention is to establish trust in the Congress, promote a non-violent movement, and clarify India’s position in international affairs.

You can find the full analysis of the first and third parts of the speech on the following pages of the study guide.

Further help

Do you want additional help with analysis of speeches? See our guide to speech analysis:

Speech analysis

I denne vejledning får du Studienets hjælp til, hvordan du analyserer, diskuterer og perspektiverer en tale (speech eller address) i engelskfaget. Kort fortalt handler det typisk om, at du skal lave en retorisk analyse af talen.