
The article "Mothers and teenagers: a modern tragedy" by Rachel Cusk was the subject of the written exam in English A on STX from December 2nd, 2016. And the article is likewise the subject of this webbook in which we provide you with help for analysis.

Here, we sum up in brief which points the analysis section of this webbook covers.

First, we take a look at how Rachel Cusk argues for her opinions and demonstrates how she uses closed argumentation - a concept that we also explain. Looking at the argumentation, we also explore any rhetorical devices that Cusk may deploy and show that she use a handful common means. And of course, no analysis is complete without and exploration of which modes of appeal are in place in the article.

We move on to look at the style of writing employed in the article and point out that a main trait of the text is liberal use of humor along with similes and metaphors.

Finally, we look at the writer's intention. And we show quite easily that the main point of the article is to encourage the reader to take a nuanced point of view on parent-teenager issues.