
Here are the elements which will help with your analysis of Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2020.

 The rhetorical situation shows that the speech is delivered by Michelle Obama, who remains an active figure in several social areas even after leaving the White House. She is delivering the speech at the Democratic National Convention to persuade the public to vote for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

When it comes to the composition of the speech, Obama reinforces several aspects mentioned in her 2016 convention speech. She also structures her speech around the COVID-19 pandemic, the “Black Lives Matter” movement, Donald Trump’s inadequacy as President of the US, and Joe Biden’s virtues as a presidential candidate.

The linguistic features reflect the formal context of the speech. The language is mainly formal with some informal features which make Obama appear more approachable and emphatic. 

Obama also uses rhetorical devices such as irony, allusion, and repetition. Many of the rhetorical devices used in the speech invite the audience to recall Obama’s 2016 DNC speech and to focus on the future of the US with Joe Biden as President. 

The main modes of persuasion in the speech are pathos and ethos. Obama appeals to pathos through personal stories, shared experiences and tragedies, and even irony related to Donald Trump. She builds ethos by bringing up her husband’s victories as President of the US and by highlighting Joe Biden’s work. 

You can read a full analysis of the speech in the following pages. 

Speech analysis

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