
Next, you can read a brief presentation of our analysis of the text “Let's Be Honest, Gun Control Opponents” by Nick Laure.

Nick Laure, the sender of the text, tries to offer logical arguments against the NRA’s reasons for opposing gun control, suggesting that supporters of the NRA are among the intended receivers of this text. He tries to show the flawed thinking behind gun rights advocates’ positions in a text published in an online publication, The Huffington Post.

In the case of “Let’s Be Honest, Gun Control Opponents”, the author clearly uses open argumentation. He argues for his views using rhetorical devices such as irony and sarcasm, forms of appeal, and other linguistic features.

Laure’s purpose is to address a large category of people, including gun control opponents of all ages. Laure’s simple language also emphasizes his point that the arguments of gun rights activists are illogical and can be broken down by simple reasoning. 

Read the full analysis in what follows.