
Now we offer a glimpse of what we will talk about in the analysis of the story “The Three-Day Blow” by Ernest Hemingway.

The structure of the short story is very simple, and thin in terms of action. However, the story is filled with symbols that help readers uncover deeper meanings about the plot.

The story only includes two active characters, Bill and Nick, which we will characterize in the next pages. Other characters are only mentioned in Bill and Nick’s conversation (their fathers and Marjorie) and are important for the way the two friends relate to them.

The social setting is an important part of the story. It conveys aspects related to male friendship, growing up, male perspectives, family relationships, and romantic relationships. Moreover, we will discuss aspects related to the physical and time setting.

The narrator is outside the plot and leaves the characters to speak for themselves, as the main way of conveying the story is direct speech. The language of “The Three-Day Blow” is rather simple and easy to follow as most of it mimics the casual dialogue between two male friends.

You can read the full analysis in the next pages!