
An analysis of the short story “Beautiful Things” by Kate Vine shows that the narrative has a chronological structure that follows the narrator and Tom in as they are hunting for a house while also working out some issues in their relationship. 

The main characters are the narrator and Tom, partners who have been together for five years. The story follows the two characters and looks at how their relationship develops when conflict arises. 

The story’s physical setting consists of the houses that the estate agent shows the narrator and Tom, as well as the house or apartment where the couple currently lives. 

The events are told by a first-person narrator who is also one of the main characters. The narrator’s reliability is questionable, as there are many things left to interpretation that make it difficult to know how she truly feels. 

The style of writing in lines 146-169 is simple, with short, disjointed sentences which reflect the narrator’s confusion regarding her relationship with Tom. The fragmented dialogue also mirrors the tension between the narrator and Tom. 

Symbolism is an important part of the short story. Several symbols point to the narrator and Tom’s communication problems, as well as to how their relationship might evolve.

A full analysis of the short story can be found on the following pages. 

Short story analysis

I denne vejledning får du Studienets hjælp til at analysere noveller (short stories) i engelsk.