
In this section, we will summarize the main points of our analysis of President Barack Obama's remarks on common-sense gun safety reform.

The main topic of Barack Obama’s speech is the importance of introducing a new series of common-sense actions meant to reduce gun violence in the United States. When the speech was delivered, Barack Obama was a political speaker and the President of the United States.

The audience of Obama’s speech is represented by the people present in the East Room of the White House. Because the speech was televised, it also reached the entire nation, as well as an international audience. The circumstances that surround Barack Obama’s speech are related to the issue of gun safety reform being passed in the United States, so as to diminish gun-related deaths.

Obama’s main intention with his speech is to convince the American public of the urgency of limiting gun violence in the United States. His intention is also to convince the Congress – led by Republicans – to impose new gun control measures. The language employed by Barack Obama in his speech varies from serious to emotional, with moments of humor.

You can find the full analysis of the speech on the following pages of the study guide.

Further help

Do you want additional help with analysis of speeches? See our guide to speech analysis:

Speech analysis

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