
The analysis of the short story “Walk Don’t Run” by Douglas Bruton shows that it has a non-linear structure. There is an external conflict in the story (between the narrator and Johnny) as well as the narrator’s inner conflict, resulting from her mixed feelings about her grandmother and about her relationship with Johnny.

The two main characters of the story are the narrator and her grandmother who share a close connection, strengthened by their similarities. 

The physical setting is an unnamed town or village by a body of water. The social setting explores topics such as teenage relations, infidelity, social expectations, and peer pressure.

The story is told from the point of view of a first-person narrator whose perspective is limited by her youth and inexperience.

The language of the story is often kept in an informal and almost childish style, which serves to reflect the narrator’s worldview. 

We also provide you with study questions to get started. You can find the answers to them on the individual pages of this study guide.

You can read a more detailed analysis in the following pages. 

Short story analysis

I denne vejledning får du Studienets hjælp til at analysere noveller (short stories) i engelsk.