Video Games | HTX Engelsk B | 24. maj 2013

Her giver Studienet dig et godt overblik over emnet video games - det vil sige, om computerspil er skadelige eller gavnlige - som var baggrund for eksamensspørgsmålet i delprøve 2 fra den skriftlige prøve i Engelsk B på HTX fra 24. maj 2013, hvor opgaveformuleringen lød:

A: Summary

Write a summary of the video, ‘Do violent video games cause crime?' (About 200 words)

B: Discussion

“Do you think that this normalises the notion that we live in a violent society and there's nothing you can do about that, so get used to it?” (3:57-4:04)

Discuss positive and negative aspects of playing video games.

Include a comment on the quotation and base your discussion on both the text and the video. (Minimum 600 words)


I: Do violent video games cause crime?
II: Video games ‘more creative than reading’

I denne giver vi dig outlines af de to kildetekster og vi viser dig, hvad du kan skrive om i din discussion.


Her får du et kort uddrag, som også tjener som en nærmere introduktion til emnet:

Presentation of the topic

As the industry of video games is thriving, more concerns are being raised about the way video games—particularly violent ones—influence children’s development. Parents are afraid that video games will make their children antisocial and some voices claim that violent video games might make people violent in real life. However, research has shown that it is hard to establish a connection between playing violent video games and becoming a violent person. Furthermore, there are also people who claim video games encourage creativity because of the player has to engage with the game actively and make decisions while playing it.

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Video Games | HTX Engelsk B | 24. maj 2013

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