The Quantified Self | HTX Engelsk B | 18. maj 2017

Denne study guide hjælper dig igennem de to tekster, som var grundlaget for den skriftlige eksamen i Engelsk B på HTX fra den 18. maj 2017, hvor emnet var the quantified self. Opgaveformuleringen lød:

Complete both assignments (A+B)

A: Summary

Write a summary of the video clip ‘The Quantified Self: Data Gone Wild?’  (About 200 words)

B: Discussion

“I mean, everybody behaves differently when they’re on stage versus when they’re off stage. You want to be your best self. You want to put your best foot forward. And that’s what sharing your data with a few other people does for you.” (03:03 – 03:14)

Describe and discuss various aspects of self-tracking and quantifying yourself. Include a comment on the quotation in your discussion. Base your discussion on both the video and the text. (Minimum 600 words)


I: The Quantified Self: Data Gone Wild?, PBS
II: Wearable devices: tracking your every step may not make you happier, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic 

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Her får du en smagsprøve på vores webbogs indhold:

Presentation of the topic

The quantified self refers to a relatively recent movement where people use digital apps and devices to monitor and measure their physical activity and body metrics with the purpose of improving their well-being, health, and fitness levels. The movement has often been a topic of debate. Some view it as a way to take fitness to an extreme and to encourage narcissism. Others focus on positive aspects like keeping one’s health in check and giving people motivation to improve themselves.

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The Quantified Self | HTX Engelsk B | 18. maj 2017

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