
An analysis of Kate Nivison’s “Just below the Surface” shows that the short story follows a traditional chronological plot structure. The story focuses on a single event in the life of a British-Indian family: their new house in the suburbs becoming infested with rats. 

The characters include Indrani (as the main character) and her husband, Kumar. The men from the Council and the people in the shops have a symbolic role, as they illustrate prejudiced views against immigrants. 

The events take place in a London suburb, primarily in Indrani and Kumar’s comfortable home. The social setting explores stereotypes about immigrants, hate crimes, and traditional marriage. 

The events are described by Indrani as a first-person narrator, who shares her thoughts and feelings with the readers. The narrator is generally explicit about the events, but the other characters’ prejudice is generally implied.   

The language used by the narrator is descriptive. The story is told mostly through narration, which highlights Indrani’s personality and how she notices the prejudiced views of those around her. 

You can read a more detailed analysis in the following pages.

Short story analysis

I denne vejledning får du Studienets hjælp til at analysere noveller (short stories) i engelsk.