
The analysis of the short story “Farida’s Eyes” by Leila Aboulela shows that it follows a linear, chronological plot structure. There are two main conflicts, the external one between Farida and her parents who refuse to acknowledge she needs glasses, and Farida's inner conflict as she struggles with the fear of losing her eyesight.

The main character is Farida, a bright schoolgirl whose grades start to drop as she begins to have poor eyesight. The other characters' reaction to Farida’s poor eyesight shows that she lacks a support system within her family.

The events take place in Farida’s school and home. The social setting explores the lack of family support, as well as issues related to institutionalized education such as school rules and bullying. The social setting also briefly explores differences in class and status.

The story is told by a third-person narrator who has access to Farida’s thoughts and feelings. The narrator has limited knowledge of the events.

The language is relatively formal, without contractions or slang, creating a serious tone. There is a strong emphasis on Farida’s thought process as she reflects on the events.

You can read a more detailed analysis in the following pages.

Short story analysis

I denne vejledning får du Studienets hjælp til at analysere noveller (short stories) i engelsk.