Exercise and education | HTX Engelsk B | 25. august 2011

Her er Studienets gennemgang af tekst og materialer til emnet excercise and education, som var udgangspunktet for den skriftlige eksamen i Engelsk B på HTX den 25. august 2011. Eksamensspørgsmålet lød:

A. Summary

Write a summary of the video clip.

(About 200 words)

B. Discussion

“Now, what's ironic is that some schools have cut back on PA* ... PE in favor of more academics when actually research is showing that physical exercise is what the kids need in order to excel academically.” (03:45 - 03:55)

(*The journalist misspeaks and corrects PA to PE = Physical Education)

Discuss the importance of physical education in school.

Include a comment on the quotation and base your discussion on both text and video clip. 

(Minimum 600 words)


I: Pumping Up The Brain
II: Phys Ed Cuts May Leave Children's Health Behind

Med denne bog kommer du på sikker grund, når vi gennemgår de to tekster og giver dig konkret input til din discussion om emnet exersise and education.


Nedenfor giver vi dig et kort uddrag, som også tjener som introduktion til emnet:

Presentation of the topic

Physical education (PE) has been a part of school curricula for many years, but it has rarely been considered a core school subject, except for vocational schools with a sports emphasis. But while everybody acknowledges the health benefits of physical education, new research has also shown that exercise helps improve academic learning as well. This is because physical exercise has positive effects on the parts of the brain responsible for memory and learning.

Despite these benefits, in the US, many schools are cutting back on PE classes as part of a strategy to improve academic performance, and because of fewer funds allocated to education.

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Exercise and education | HTX Engelsk B | 25. august 2011

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