
Here, you can read the summary of “Ship of Fools” by Ted Kaczynski.

The captain and the mates of a ship become infatuated with their sailing skills and decide to sail far north. Soon the ship workers and the passengers begin to complain about the conditions on the ship. A sailor complains about low wages and harsh working conditions. A Mexican sailor complains about unequal pay. A woman passenger complains about getting fewer blankets than the male passengers. A Native American wants compensation for his people being robbed of their lands. A homosexual complains about being mistreated because of his sexual preferences, and an animal-lover is upset by the mistreatment of a dog on the ship. A professor voices all these unequal conditions in an intellectual way, giving a name to each form of discrimination.

A cabin boy also complains, but he tells the others that the real problem is the fact that the ship is heading north and they will probably drown. He demands that the ship turns back south, but ...

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