Computers in Class Rooms | HTX Engelsk B | 17. december 2012

Her får du overblik over delprøve 2 fra den skriftlige eksamen i Engelsk B på HTX fra den 17. december 2012, hvor emnet var computers in class rooms. Opgaveformuleringen lød:

A: Summary

Write a summary of the video 'Silicon Valley school: No computers in classrooms.'

(About 200 words)

B: Discussion

"I really enjoy the fact that technology is something you use at home and it's there to support what you're doing in your education but it's not what your education is based on."

Discuss the pros and cons of using technology in the classroom.
Include a comment on the quotation and base your discussion on both the text and the video

(Minimum 600 words)


I: Silicon Valley school: No computers in classrooms
II: The Rise of the High-Tech Classroom

Vi giver dig et overblik over de to opgivne tekster - en  video og en artikel - og giver dig input til, hvad du kan komme ind på i din diskussion.


Her får du et uddrag af webbogen, som også tjener som en introduktion til emnet computers in classrooms:

Presentation of the topic

The topic of the two texts included in your assignment is the use of technology in schools. The technological advancements of the last 20 years or so have led to new approaches to teaching and schooling. More and more schools are now equipped with various digital devices—smart whiteboards, laptops, etc.—that are used as teaching tools. The use of computers and other digital devices in classrooms is said to help the teachers connect with the younger generation, to make the lessons more interactive, and to offer students more accurate information. However, there are also voices which claim that computers and other digital devices cannot and should not replace quality teaching.

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Computers in Class Rooms | HTX Engelsk B | 17. december 2012

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