
The analysis of the short story “The Sweet Business” by Mary Griese shows that it follows a non-linear plot structure. The narrative describes a family trip to a waterfall and its aftermath. The main events are presented in chronological order, but there are several flashbacks which provide context to the events in the story. 

The characters of the story are the main character and her mother-in-law, with the rest of the family being mentioned only briefly. The main character and her mother-in-law have a strained relationship due to their different personalities. Throughout the story, their relationship evolves, and after the mother-in-law confides in the main character, they appear to share a moment of connection.

The setting is modern-day Wales. This symbolizes wildness and adventure for the main character who is fed up with the comforts and routines of English life. 

The story is told from the point of view of the main character but using a second-person narratorThe main character is addressing herself, but the use of a second-person point of view is probably a way to detach herself from a difficult situation. 

The language resembles stream of consciousness at times, which gives insight into the main character’s thoughts and feelings.

You can read a more detailed analysis in the following pages.

Short story analysis

I denne vejledning får du Studienets hjælp til at analysere noveller (short stories) i engelsk.