
Our analysis of “The Declaration of Independence” is based on the rhetorical pentagram model. Here are its main points:

In this guide we will look at the topics the text covers - independence, legitimacy, and tyranny - focusing on how they are explored by the writers.

We will present the writers of the text, especially Thomas Jefferson who is considered its main author. We will also detail how the writers speak on behalf of the North American colonies.

We will look at who are the intended readers – Great Britain and King George III, the American people, and all other nations — and at how the text targets them.

We will examine the language used in the text, including tone, choice of words, rhetorical devices, and forms of appeal.

We will discuss the circumstances of the text, looking at the American Revolution and its goal of independence from Britain.

We will also focus on the writers’ intention with the speech: Declaring independence, accusing Great Britain’s King and the British of crimes against the colonies and demonstrating why declaring independence is necessary.

You can read the full analysis in the next pages!