
The short story “Home Is Not Here” follows a non-linear plot structure. The narrative is frequently interrupted by flashbacks as Birdie’s memories distract her during the meeting with the immigration officer, Jenkins. 

The main character in the story is Birdie Brown, an elderly Jamaican woman who has been living her whole life in England. Birdie’s situation is presented through her thoughts and feelings, as she does not want to return to a place she no longer remembers.

The setting of the short story is England around the year 2018. The flashbacks in the story also reveal what life in England was like for Birdie as a young child during the 50s. 

The story is told from the point of view of a third-person narrator. The narrator follows Birdie’s perspective as she talks with the immigration officer and gets lost in her memories of her childhood. 

The language in the story is informal and reflects the Jamaican Creole dialect of the main characters. The text is full of metaphors and similes which reveal Birdie’s feelings about England. 

You can read a more detailed analysis on the following pages. 

Short story analysis

I denne vejledning får du Studienets hjælp til at analysere noveller (short stories) i engelsk.