
The analysis of the short story “Uncle Dougie’s Suitcase” by Alastair Chisholm shows that it follows a linear plot structure. The narrative includes a “story within a story” as Uncle Dougie recounts what supposedly happened several years ago to a friend of his, Charlie.

The main characters are Uncle Dougie and Douglas, who is also the narrator. The two have a good relationship, with the exception of one incident, when Douglas peeks into Uncle Dougie’s suitcase.

The physical setting is modern-day Scotland. The “story within a story” takes place at an earlier time.

The story is told by a first-person narrator who is also the main character. The opening sentence suggests that he is an adult recounting an event from his childhood when he was nine. 

The language is dominated by dialogue and informal. The “story within a story” actively involves the listener in the narrative using several devices.

You can read a more detailed analysis in the following pages.

Short story analysis

I denne vejledning får du Studienets hjælp til at analysere noveller (short stories) i engelsk.