
The analysis of the short story “The Mother of the Child in Question” by Doris Lessing shows that it follows a linear plot structure. The events follow a chronological order, and the setting remains the same throughout the story, giving the impression of a theater play. 

The main character in the story is Stephen Bentley, a social worker who tries to persuade Mrs Khan to send Shireen to a special school. The events of the story are told from his perspective.

The physical setting is an unnamed town in the United Kingdom. The action takes place in the Khan household, and just outside the building. The social setting explores a variety of issues related to cultural differences and the social care system. 

The story is told by a third-person narrator, who appears to have insight into the thoughts and feelings of Stephen Bentley. The narrator has limited knowledge, and the other characters are seen from Stephen’s perspective.

The language of the story is neutral. The tone is detached and recalls the language of official reports. 

You can read a more detailed analysis in the following pages.

Short story analysis

I denne vejledning får du Studienets hjælp til at analysere noveller (short stories) i engelsk.