
These elements will help with the analysis of Paul Fairfield’s podcast “The Importance of Reading Books”. 

The rhetorical situation shows that the podcast is recorded by Paul Fairfield, a Professor of Philosophy. The receivers of the podcast are the people who are similarly concerned about the decline in reading.

The composition shows that the podcast takes the form of an argumentative essay. In the beginning, Fairfield provides a personal story to introduce his questions about the younger generation’s relationship to reading. In the body, he provides examples, scientific explanations, and testimonies which show that screen technology affects critical thinking. The podcast ends with Fairfield’s worry that screen technology will lead to a widespread lack of critical thinking and deep feeling.

The style of language is formal, a feature which is not typical of the podcast genre. Fairfield uses complex sentences when expressing his ideas and also mentions scientific terms. The style of language is also related to Fairfield’s intended audience. 

Fairfield uses several rhetorical devices to support his views. For example, rhetorical questions are used to inspire the audience to think about the importance of reading books and the consequences of screen technology. 

The dominant form of appeal in the podcast is ethos. With ethos, Fairfield relies on expert testimonies to support his ideas.

When it comes to argumentation, Fairfield uses various strategies. He provides personal stories to support his ideas, but also relies on scientific arguments related to the impact of reading on the human brain. 

You can read a full analysis of the podcast in the following pages. 

Further help

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