
There are many interesting aspects to consider when studying the language of Christian Ruiz' article "That Uncertain Feeling: An Italian Living in London On Brexit Britain".

First and foremost, the style of writing reveals an interesting mix of formal and informal elements, which combine to make the text sound trustworthy when it comes to the general aspects of Brexit, while also delivering a very heartfelt and emotional reaction to the ongoing process. 

Secondly, Ruiz employs a number of rhetorical devices to get her points across and convey her feelings of frustration, such as metaphors or rhetorical questions. 

Thirdly, she makes efficient use of the three forms of appeal, with particular emphasis on pathos, which helps her communicate her feelings of sadness, disappointment and confusion to the readers. 

Fourthly, Ruiz uses various strategies to present her main arguments - sometimes phrasing them directly, but often letting her various stories and anecdotes serve as indirect or hidden argumentation. 

Finally, while working on all these aspects of her language, it is also important to consider how Ruiz uses personal experience to express her opinion on the topic.