
Here, we give you an overview of our analysis of Imran J. Khan's short film, “Prom”.

The short film’s structure is linear and features techniques such as foreshadowing. “Prom” follows the main character Hasan, an Indian-American teenager, whp os rejected by his date’s white mother when he shows up to take her to prom. The ending of the short film is open, as the audience does not know how Hasan feels about this rejection, and how it will influence his life. He is shown sitting down by his sleeping father, a gesture which can be interpreted in several ways.

The events take place in the United States of America. The social setting explores issues such as identity, discrimination, cross-cultural relationships, and generational differences.

The director also makes use of a variety of cinematic techniques. In terms of framing, the short film mostly features medium shots, but also employs close-ups to highlight the characters’ emotions, especially during the final sections. The lighting in the film is used to emphasise Hasan’s state of mind, while the sound of the film tell the audience more about the setting and the action.

The main conflict of the short film deals with Hasan being discriminated against by his date’s parents because of his ethnicity and his physical appearance. Hasan also seems to experience an inner conflict because of his dual identity as an Indian American, but this is more subtly suggested in the film.

You can find a full analysis of the short film in the following pages.

Further help

Short film analysis

For more advice about analysing short films, you can read our general guide to short film analysis.