

An analysis of the short story “Kiss” by Elizabeth Baines shows that it follows a non-linear composition, starting and ending with the same scene, while the middle of the story contains a series of flashbacks from the characters’ lives. This structure grabs the readers’ attention and makes the story more dynamic. 

The story features three characters, a young woman and two young men, all of whom have had difficult pasts involving abuse, anger, discrimination, or alienation. The young woman and one of the young men show resilience and ability to turn their lives around, while the other young man gives in to his anger and resentment, aiming to commit an act of terrorism. 

The setting of the story is the London Tube, but the events in the past take place all around London. The Tube is a symbol of interconnection, a key theme in the story. The social setting looks at the hardships of people from different social categories: middle class, working class, or immigrants. It also touches upon issues of racism.

The third-person narrator is outside the story and uses the perspective of the three characters to convey the plot. The narrator has limited knowledge, as the events are mainly told from the perspective of the three main characters. 

The story contains many examples of figurative language. For example, metaphors are used to express the characters’ moods and views, while symbols help illustrate its themes.

You can read a more detailed analysis in the following pages.

Short story analysis

I denne vejledning får du Studienets hjælp til at analysere noveller (short stories) i engelsk.