
This section highlights the main analysis points of the short film “I Don’t Make the Rules” by Law Chen.

The film’s structure is mostly linear and features techniques such as foreshadowing. The film presents the main character's struggle to seek employment. The ending is open because the audience cannot know if the main character, Stephen, has accepted the job as a paralegal, despite the dishonest means he used to get the offer.

The events take place in the United States of America, in New York City. The social setting explores issues in contemporary American society, such as the expensive health care system and the competitive labour market.

In terms of framing, the short film mostly features medium shots, but also employs close-ups to highlight the characters’ emotions. The sound of the film features melancholic music that creates a sad atmosphere. 

The main conflict of the short film deals with ethical decisions when faced with necessity and a difficult situation. Stephen’s main inner conflict happens when he decides to lie to Carl and feels guilty about it.

You can find a full analysis of the story in the following pages.

Further help

Short film analysis

For more advice about analysing short films, you can read our general guide to short film analysis.