Giving ex-cons a second chance | HHX Engelsk A | 18. august 2017

Denne study guide hjælper dig med at arbejde med emnet Giving ex-cons a second chance, som var fokus i Opgave 5A fra eksamen i Engelsk A på HHX den. 18. august 2017. Vores guide tager altså udgangspunkt i følgende eksamensspørgsmål:

You are a student of sociology at the University of Texas. You have been asked to give a speech to business people at a seminar entitled “A Second Chance” hosted by the Texas Association of Business.

In the speech you provide prison statistics and you comment on the importance of giving ex-cons a second chance - not just for society, but for American business too. You outline different incentives and encourage business people to hire ex-cons.

Write the manuscript in English. Word count: 800-1200 words.

Use the following sources:

I: Business owner gives ex-cons a chance at new start (1:28)
II: Giving ex-cons a second chance on the assembly line
III: Can hiring ex-offenders make a business more profitable?
IV: Commentary: Is Texas wasting money by locking up so many people? Easy answer is yes

You may use additional sources in English, for example from the Internet. Do not forget to document all your sources.

Vi giver dig et overblik over alle opgavens kildetekster, samt gode råd til, hvordan du kan formulere dit manuscript.


Herunder får du et lille uddrag af vores guide, som en smagsprøve på, hvad vi kan tilbyde:

Incentives for hiring ex-cons

In your speech, you have to mention some incentives for hiring ex-cons that can appeal to business people.

Apart from the fact that ex-cons are often dependable employees which help businesses grow - as mentioned in Texts I, II, and III - there are also several government incentives to hire them mentioned in Text II.

Through the Federal Bonding Program, employers get “fidelity bonds” (l. 27) such as free insurance in case of employee dishonesty: “The free insurance compensates companies for employee dishonesty during the first six months of employment.” (ll. 27-29). This reduces the risks associated with hiring ex-offenders...

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Giving ex-cons a second chance | HHX Engelsk A | 18. august 2017

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