
The language in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein may seem difficult at first. However, once you get used to it, it becomes easier. The language is a central part of the story because the author uses it to create a specific atmosphere and influence the way we see the characters.

This can be seen in the style of language, which is marked by religious words and images. For instance, Frankenstein's describes the creature as a “devil”. The religious references underline how Frankenstein is trying to play God. In several passages, the style of language is also marked by negative or positive wording. This helps create a specific atmosphere and affects our impression of the characters.

Frankenstein also contains symbols which underline the tragic story of the scientist who tries to play God and creates a monster. Examples are the moon as well as Biblical references. These symbols add in extra layer to the story.

You can read much more about the language features of the novel in the following sections.