
The structure in Hemingway’s “Indian Camp” can be divided into three main parts: the beginning (on route to the camp), the middle (in the camp) and the ending (leaving the camp). The main character Nick goes through different stages of development in these parts.

The main characters are young Nick and his father. Nick’s Uncle George is a secondary character.

The story is set in the US, probably in the early 1900s, and takes place over the course of one night. The social setting in the story presents the hierarchy and tensions between white and Native Americans of that time.

“Indian Camp” is told through a third-person narrator with the point of view limited to Nick. As the narrator appears objective most of the time, we only get little direct knowledge of Nick’s s thoughts and feelings.

The language of the short story is influenced by literary minimalism, which can be seen by its short sentences and simple wording as well as many other characteristics. The short story includes a few symbols.

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Short story analysis

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