
On the following pages, you will find complete charaterizations of the main figures in Lorraine Hansberry’s play “A Raisin in the Sun”:

Beneatha Younger: She is about twenty years old and still in school. She is the daughter of Lena Younger and the sister of Walter. The characterization of Beneatha includes an analysis of her relationship with her brother Walter and to the men Asagai and George. Also Beneatha’s dream and her search for identity is described.

Mama (Lena Younger): An African-American woman in her early sixties. She lives with her children, Walter and Beneatha, and her daughter-in-law and grandson, Ruth and Travis. The characterization describes  Mama’s belief in God and her role as a mother and a grandmother.

Ruth Younger: An approximately 30-year-old African-American woman, wife of Walter Lee Younger and mother of the ten-year-old Travis. The characterization goes into her external appearance as well as her role as a mother and an organizer.

Walter Lee Younger: The man of the house. He is in his middle thirties and works as a driver. He lives with his mother, Lena Younger, his sister Beneatha, his wife Ruth and their son, Travis. This characterization deals with Walter Lee, his dreams and his development throughout the play.